Monument Project

Honoring Fay's History

    Design Sheets

The monument project was the first project where I went through the design process to build something physical.

I started doing research about existing monuments, brainstormed what I would be memorializing, and afterwards, I designed an buit a prototype.



I did research on Fay’s history to brainstorm possible events to memorialize. Then, using the topics I listed, I jotted down any ideas I had for a memorial.

Click here to see my brainstorm document

Design Sheets

I picked three of my favorite ideas and made a design sheet for each idea.

First Female Students in 1972, Fay Alumni who died in WWI, First Female Students 1942

Then, we asked some primany school students for advice for our monuments.


I decided to laser-cut the pieces out of colored plastic. I made made the pieces on Illustrator.


I learned many things through this project such as how to use a laser cutter. Next time, I could make .